Dec. 1, First S. in Advent. Readings are Is. 2:1-5, Rom. 13:11-14 and Matt. 21:1-11 or 24:36-44.

Dec. 8, Sec. S. in Advent.  Readings are Is. 11:1-10, Rom. 15:4-13 and Matt. 3:1-12. 

Dec. 15. Third S. in Advent. Readings are Is. 35:1-10, James 5:7-11 and Matt. 11:2-15.

Dec. 22. Fourth S. in Advent.  Readings are Is. 7:10-17, Rom. 1:1-7 and Matt. 1:18-25.

Dec. 24. The Nativity of Our Lord. Christmas Eve.  Readings are Is. 7:10-14, 1 John 4:7:16 and Matt. 1:18-25. 

Dec. 25. The Nativity of Our Lord.  Readings are Is. 52:7-10, Heb. 1:1-6 and John 1:1-14. 

Dec. 29. The First S. in Christmas.  The readings are Is: 63:7-14, Gal. 4:4-7 and Matt. 2:13-23.